Walk In Interview 17.01.2025    APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERVIEW   

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About Us

Welcome to NRCO, Sikkim

The National Research Centre for Orchids was established on 5th October 1996 by the indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi to organize program on improvement in productivity, quality and commercialization of orchids.

The Sikkim state authorities handed over 22.19 acres of land belonging to Regional Agricultural Centre along witha all other assets to ICAR for establishment of the centre. In October 1997, the centre also took over the CPRS, Darjeeling form CPRI and established a campus for research on temperate orchids.

Virtual Tour of ICAR-NRCO

Orchid of the month

Paphiopedilum Villosum

Paphiopedilum villosum Native to Assam Burma and Thailand The leaves are oblong green above and paler below and spotted with purple towards base The inflorescence is 1 to 2 flowered hairy and 30cm long The flowers are 10cm across with spotted green bract ovate and incurved undulate dorsal sepal revolute and spathulate lower margin green purple at base and centre and white at apex Synsepals are lanceolate shaded or striped yellow Petals are spoon shaped brownish yellow with large slipper shaped yellowish pitcher lip Column staminode is spotted Stigma is uniform in colour and orbicular in shape The flowers are produced during November

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From the Director's Desk

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR established the National Research Centre for Orchids NRCO at Pakyong in the East district of Sikkim to support the emerging orchid industry conservation and sustainable use of the countrys orchid bioresources through research Since its inception in 1996 NRCO has been working on various focal areas namely collection characterisation conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of orchids for ornamental and medicinal purposes developmentstandardisation of production propagation protection and postharvest technologies for commercial cultivation of orchids

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Dr Sankar Prasad Das



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